NC Lathe Machine

  • Precision spindle bearing
  • All geared spindle box
  • Longitudinal and cross automatic feed
  • Quenched and precision grinding guide way


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DSL250 / DSL280 / DSL320B / DSL360

Swing over bed mm 250 280 320 360
Swing over cross slide mm 150 165 200 240
Distance between centers mm 500 ( Opt.700 ) 500 ( Opt.750 ) 600 ( Opt.750 ) 750
Spindle bore mm 26 38 38 38
Spindle bore taper MT4 MT5 MTS MT5
Spindle speed steps 12 8 12 12
Spindle speed range rpm 80-1600 90-1800 80-1600 80-2000
Cross slide travel mm 130 140 160 180
Top tool post travel mm 75 75 100 100
Longitudinal feeds range mm / r 0.03-0.279 0.05-0.35 0.1-1.4 0.1-14
Cross feeds range mm / r 0.015-0.137 0.025-0.18 0.045-0.6 0.045-0.60
Kinds of metric threads kinds 15 18 22 22
Range of metric threads mm : 0.25-2.5 0.2-3.5 0.2-7 0.2-7
Kinds of inch threads kinds 9 34 45 45
Range of inch threads T.P.I. 12-96 4 1/2-48 2 ½ – 48 2 ½ – 48
Kinds of module threads kinds 16 21 21
Range of module threadsr MP 0.20-1.75 0.2-3.5 0.20-3.5
Kinds of pitch threads kinds 24 31 31
Range of pitch threads DP 16-120 8-120 8-120
Tailstock quill taper MT3 MT3 MT3 MT3
Tailstock quill travel mm 60 60 80 80
Main motor power kw 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.1
Weight for 500 kg 180 300
Weight for 600 kg 450
Machine weight Weight for 700 kg 200 .
Weight for 750 kg 320 480 550
Dimension for 500 mm 1130*550*1170 1200 *650 * 1200
Dimension for 600 mm 1370*685*1360
Overall dimension Dimension for 700 mm 200
Dimension for 750 mm 1450*650*1200 1520*685* 1360 1370*705*1430

D6132D / D6232D / D6136D / D6236D / D6140D / D6240D

SPECIFICATIONS Units D6132D D6232D D6136D D6236D D6140D D6240D
Swing over bed mm 320  320 360 360 400  400
Swing over cross slide mm 180  180 200  200 240  240
Swing over gap mm  – 500  – 540  – 580
Distance between centers mm 750/1000  750/1000 750/1000  750/1000 750/1000  750/1000
Spindle bore mm 52  52 52  52 52  52
Spindle bore taper MT6  MT6 MT6 MT6 MT6  MT6
Spindle speed steps steps 12  12  12 12 12  12
Spindle speed range rpm 30-1600  30-1600 30-1600  30-1600 30-1600  30-1600
Cross slide travel mm 240  240 240 240 240  240
Top tool post travel mm 140  140  140 140 140  140
Tool size mm 20*20 20*20 20*20 20*20 20*20 20*20
Longitudinal feeds range mm / r 0.039-1.05  0.039-1.05 0.039-1.05  0.039-1.05 0.039-1.05  0.039-1.05
Cross feeds range mm / r 0.019-0.52  0.019-0.52 0.019-0.52  0.019-0.52 0.019-0.52  0.019-0.52
Kinds of metric threads kinds 25  25  25 25 25  25
Range of metric threads mm 0.5-20  0.5-20 0.5-20 0.5-20 0.5-20  0.5-20
Kinds of inch threads . kinds 35  35 35 35 35  35
Range of inch threads T.P.I. 1 3/4-80  1 3/4-80  1 3/4-80 1 3/4-80 1 3/4-80 1 3/4-80
Tailstock quill diameter mm 60  60 60 60 60  60
Tailstock quill taper MT4  MT4 MT4 MT4 MT4  MT4
Tailstock quill travel mm 100  100  100 100 100  100
Main motor power kw 3  3  3 3 4  4
Coolant motor power kw 0.09  0.09 0.09  0.09 0.09  0.09
Machine weight Weight for 750 kg 1400  1400  1500 1500 1700  1700
Weight for 1000 kg 1500  1500  1600 1600 1800  1800
Overall dimension Dimension for 750 mm 2200*1140 *1600 2200*1140 *1600 2200*1140 *1600 2200*1140 *1600 2200*1140*1600 2200*1140*1600
Dimension for 1000 mm 2400*1140*1600 2200*1140 *1600 2200*1140 *1600 2200*1140 *1600 2200*1140*1600 2200*1140*1600

DZ1224G / DZ1237G / DZ1324G /DZ1337G

Swing over bed mm 305 305 330 330
Swing over cross slide mm 173 173 215 215
Swing over gap mm 440 440 485 485
Distance between centers mm 530 940 530 940
Spindle bore mm 38 38 38 38
Spindle bore taper   MT5 MTS MT5 MTS
Spindle speed steps 9 9 9 9
Spindle speed range rpm 64-1500 64-1500 64-1500 64-1500
Cross slide travel mm 150 150 150 150
Top tool post travel mm 85 85 85 85
Foods range Kinds of metric threads mm/s kinds 0.051-0.303 11 0.051-0.303 11 0.051-0.303 11 0.051-0.303 11
Range of metric threads mm 0.5-3.5 0.5-3.5 0.5-3.5 0.5-3.5
Kinds of inch threads kinds 14 14 14 14
Range inch threads T.P.I. 716-48 7 1/2-48 7 1/2-48 71/2-48
Tailstock quill diameter mm 32 32 32 32
Tailstock quill taper   MT3 MT3 MT3 MT3
Tailstock quill travel mm 95 95 95 95
Main motor power kw 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Coolant pump motor kw 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Machine weight kg 420 440 440 460
Overall dimension mm 1780x750x1460 1420x750x1460 1780x750x1480 1420x750x1480

DZ1237G/1 / DZ1337G/1 / DZ1340G/1 /DZ1440G/1

  • Precision spindle bearing
  • All geared spindle box
  • Longitudinal and cross automatic feed
  • Quenched and precision grinding guide way
  • Cam-lock spindle nose
  • Wide range of thread processing
SPECIFICATIONS Units DZ1237G/1 DZ1337G/1 DZ1340G/1 DZ1440G/1
Swing over bed mm 305 330 330 350
Swing over cross slide mm 173 195 195 220
Swing over gap mm 440 476 476 500
Distance between centers mm 940 940 1000 1000
Spindle bore mm 38 38 38(Optional:51) 38(Optional:51)
Spindle bore taper MTS MTS MTS MTS
Spindle speed steps 9 9 8 8
Spindle speed range rpm 64-1500 64-1500 70 2000(Optional:84-1 1850) 70 2000|Optional 4-1850
Cross slide travel mm 150 150 170 170
Top tool post travel mm 85 85 74 74
Longitudinal feeds range mm/r 0.052-1.392 0.052-1.392 0.052-1.392 0.052-1.392
Cross feeds range mm/r 0.014-0.38 0.014-0.38 0.014-0.38 0.014-0.38
Kinds of metric threads kinds 26 26 26 26
Range of metric threads mm 0.4-7 0.4-7 0.4-7 0.4-7
Kinds of inch threads kinds 34 34 34 34
Range of inch threads T.P.I 4-56 455 4.56 4-56
Kinds of threads module kinds 16 16 16 16
Range of threads module MP 0.35-5 0.35-5 0.35-5 0.35-5
Kinds of threads diameter kinds 36 36 36 36
Range of threads breads diametral DP 6-104 6-104 6-104 6-104
Tailstock quill diameter mm 32 32 32 32
Tailstock quill taper MT3 MT3 MT3 MT3
Tailstock quill travel mm 95 95 95 95
Main motor power kw 1.1 1.1 1.5 15
Coolant pump motor kw 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Machine weight kg 515 525 635 645
Overall dimension mm 1780x760x1460 1780x760x1480 1920x760x1480 1920x760x1500

D6132 / D6136 / D6140 / D6150 / D6160 / D6170

  • Rail width is 360mm
  • Thread processing need to change gears
  • Tool size is 20 X 20 mm
  • Gears is steel of precision grinding and hardened
SPECIFICATIONS Units D6132 D6232 D6136 D6236 D6140 D6240 D6150 D6250 D6160 D6260 D6170 D6270
Swing over bed mm                320        360                    400   500               600             700
Swing over cross slide mm                150            190                    230 330 330               400             500
Swing over gap Mm  – 480 520  – 560  – 660  – 760  – 860
Distance between centers mm                                                                                                               750/1000/1500/2000/3000  
Spindle bore mm             52(pot.80)              52(pot.80)                 52(pot.80)                     52(pot.80)        52(Optional:80) 52(pot.80)
Spindle bore taper MT6 (pot. Metric 1:20) MT6 (pot.Metric 1:20) MT6 (pot.Metric 1:20) MT6 (pot.Metric 1:20) MT6 (pot.Metric 1:20) MT6 (pot.Metric) 1:20)
Spindle speed steps steps                 9                  9                 9                    9                  9                  9
Spindle speed range rpm         40-1400            40-1400           40-1400             40-1400             40-1400             40-1400
Cross slide travel mm              160              180             200                 250                300                350
Top tool post travel mm               95               95              95                  95                 95                 95
Tool size mm            20*20            20*20            20*20                20*20               20*20               20*20
Longitudinal feeds range mm/r      0.0832-4.6569     0.0832-4.6569        0.0832-4.6569        0.0832-4.6569          0.0832-4.6569          0.0832-4.6569
Cross feeds range mm/r         0.048-2.688      0.048-2.688        0.048-2.688           0.048-2.688            0.048-2.688           0.048-2.688
Kinds of metric threads kinds              19              19              19               19              19                 19
Range of metric threads mm    0.25-14         0.25-14            0.25-14              0.25-14           0.25-14              0.25-14
Kinds of inch threads kinds             28              28              28                28               28                 28
Range of inch threads T.P.I.           2-40            2-40             2-40               2-40              2-40               2-40
Kinds of threads module kinds            17             17              17                17               17                 17
Range of threads module MP        0.25-3.5         0.25-3.5            0.25-3.5              0.25-3.5              0.25-3.5            0.25-3.5
Tailstock quill diameter mm            65              65               65                65                 65                65
Tailstock quill taper            MT4             MT4              MT4               MT5               MT5                 MT5
Tailstock quill travel mm            130             130              130               130               130                 130
Main motor power kw               4               4                4                5.5                5.5                  5.5
Coolant pump motor kw            0.09             0.09            0.09               0.09               0.09                 0.09
Weight for 750 kg           1100            1200           1220              1250              1300                1500
Weight for 1000 kg           1200            1300           1320              1350              1400                1600
Machine weight Weight for 1500 kg           1400            1500           1520              1550              1600                1800
Weight for 2000 kg           1600            1700           1720              1750              1800                2000
Weight for 3000 kg           1800            1900           1920              1950              2000                2200
Dimension for 750 mm 2200*1140*1500 2200*1140*1500 2200*1140*1550 2200*1140*1650 2200*1140*1750 2200*1140*1850
Dimension for 1000 mm 2400*1140*1500 2400*1140*1500 2400*1140*1550 2400*1140*1650 2400*1140*1750 2400*1140*1850
Dimension for 1500 mm 2900*1140*1500 2900*1140*1500 2900*1140*1550 2900*1140*1650 2900*1140*1750 2900*1140*1850
Overall dimension Dimension for 2000 mm 3400*1140*1500 3400*1140*1500 3400*1140*1550 3400*1140*1650 3400*1140*1750 3400*1140*1850
Dimension for 3000 mm 4400*1140*1500 4400*1140*1500 4400*1140*1550 4400*1140*1650 4400*1140*1750 4400*1140*1850

DL6140 / DL6150 / DL6161 / DL6106 / DL6180/ DL6280

  • Guideway width 400mm, strong cutting force and stable type.
  • Feedbox with fast moving
  • Many kinds of threads with don’t need change the hanging wheel
  • 25 X 25mm high strength tool carrier is 25 X 25mm
  • Gear using chrome material, more wear-resistant.
  • Heavy cutting
SPECIFICATIONS Units DL6140 DL6140B DL6240 DL6240B DL6150 DL6250 DL6150B DL6250B DL6150C DL6250C DL6161 DL6261 DL6161B DL6261B DL6161C DL6261C DL6166 DL6266 DL6166B DL6266B DL6166C DL6268C DL6180 DL6280 DL6180B DL6280B DL6180C DL6280C
Swing over bed mm 400mm 400mm 500mm 610mm 660mm 800mm
Swing over cross slide mm 210mm 210mm 300mm 370mm 400mm 540mm
Swing over gap mm 630 –                    720 –                        830 880 –                   1020
Gap length 210 –                    210 –                        210 210 –                    210
Distance between centers mm 750/1000/1500/2000/2200/3000/4000
Spindle bore mm  52   B:80  52   B:80 52   B:80 C:105 52   B:80 C:105 52   B:80 C:105
Spindle bore taper
Spindle speed steps steps 24  24 24 24 24 24
Spindle speed range rpm 10-1400/16-1400 10-1400/16-1400 10-1400/16-1400 10-1400/16-1400 10-1400/16-1400 10-1400/16-1400
Cross slide travel mm 320 320 320 320 320 320
Top tool post travel mm 140 140 140 140 140 140
Tool size mm 25*25 25*25 25*25 25*25 25*25 25*25
Longitudinal feeds kinds kinds 64  64 64 64 64 64
Longitudinal feeds range mm/r 0.028-6.33 0.028-6.33 0.028-6.33 0.028-6.33 0.028-6.33 0.028-6.33
Cross feeds range kinds kinds 64 64 64 64 64 64
Cross feeds range mm/r 0.014-3.16 0.014-3.16 0.014-3.16 0.014-3.16 0.014-3.16 0.014-3.16
Longitudinal fast moving m/min 4 4 4 4 4 4
Cross fast moving m/min 2 2 2 2 2 2
Kinds of metric threads kinds 44 44 44 44 44 44
Range of metric threads mm 1-192 1-192 1-192 1-192 1-192 1-192
Kinds of inch threads kinds 21 21 21 21 21 21
Range of inch threads T.P.I. 2-24  2-24 2-24 2-24 2-24 2-24
Kinds of threads module kinds 39 39 39 39 39 39
Range of threads module MP 0.25-48 0.25-48 0.25-48 0.25-48 0.25-48 0.25-48
Kinds of threads diametral kinds 37 37 37 37 37 37
Range of threads DP 1-96 1-96 1-96 1-96 1-96 1-96
Tailstock quill diameter mm 75 75 75 75 75 75
Tailstock quill taper MT5 MT5 MT5 MT5 MT5 MT5
Tailstock quill travel mm 150 150 150 150 150 150
Main motor power kw 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 11 11
Coolant motor power kw 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09
Weight for 750 kg 2000  2000 2100 2200 2300 2400
Weight for 1000 kg 2100 2100 2200 2300 2500 2670
Weight for 1500 kg 2300 2300 2400 2500 2700 2920
Weight for 2000 kg 2600 2600 2700 2800 2900 3170
Machine weight Weight for 2200 kg 2700 2700 2800 3000 3200 3300
Weight for 3000 kg 3300  3300 3500 3700 3900 4100
Weight for 4000 kg 3800 3800 4000 4200 4420 4600
Dimension for 750 mm 2440*1150*1600 2440*1150*1600 2440*1150*1700 2440*1150*1800 2440*1150*1860 2440*1150*2000
Dimension for 1000 mm 2650*1150*1600 2650*1150*1600 2650*1150*1700 2650*1150*1800 2650*1150*1860 2650*1150*2000
Dimension for 1500 mm 3150*1150*1600 3150*1150*1600 3150*1150*1700 3150*1150*1800 3150*1150*1860 3150*1150*2000
Dimension for 2000 mm 3650*1150*1600 3650*1150*1600 3650*1150*1700 3650*1150*1800 3650*1150*1860 3650*1150*2000
Overall dimension Dimension for 2200 mm 4030*1150*1600 4030*1150*1600 4030*1150*1700 4030*1150*1800 4030*1150*1860 4030*1150*2000
Dimension for 3000 mm 4800*1150*1600 4800*1150*1600 4800*1150*1700 4800*1150*1800 4800*1150*1860 4800*1150*2000
Dimension for 4000 mm 5680*1150*1600 5680*1150*1600 5680*1150*1700 5680*1150*1800 5680*1150*1860 5680*1150*2000

DL6132/ DL6232/ DL6136/ DL6236 /DL6140/ DL6240/ DL6150/ DL6250/ DL6260/ DL6170/ DL6270

SPECIFICATIONS Units D6132 D6232 D6136 D6236 D6140 D6240 D6150 D6250 D6160 D6260 D6170 D6270
Swing over bed mm 320 360 400 500 600 700
Swing over cross slide mm 150 190 230 330 400 500
Swing over gap mm 480 520 560 660 760 860
Distance between centers mm 750/1000/1500/2000/3000 750/1000/1500/2000/3000 750/1000/1500/2000/3000 750/1000/1500/2000/3000 750/1000/1500/2000/3000 750/1000/1500/2000/3000
Spindle bore mm 52(pot.80) 52(pot.80) 52(pot.80) 52(pot.80) 52(pot.80) 52(pot.80)
Spindle bore taper MT6 (pot Metric 1:20 MT6 (pot Metric 1:20 MT6 (pot Metric 1:20 MT6 (pot Metric 1:20) MT6 (pot Metric 1:20) MT6 (pot Metric 1:20
Spindle speed steps steps 9 9 9 9 9 9
Spindle speed range rpm 40-1400 40-1400 40-1400 40-1400 40-1400 40-1400
Cross slide travel mm 160 180 200 250 300 350
Top tool post travel mm 95 95 95 95 95 95
Tool size mm 20*20 20*20 20*20 20*20 20*20 20*20
Longitudinal feeds range mm/r 0.0832-4.6569 0.0832-4.6569 0.0832-4.6569 0.0832-4.6569 0.0832-4.6569 0.0832-4.6569
Cross feeds range mm/r 0.048-2,688 0.048-2.688 0.048-2.688 0.048-2.688 0.048-2.688 0.048-2.688
Kinds of metric threads kinds 19 19 19 19 19 19
Range of metric threads mm 0.25-14 0.25-14 0.25-14 0.25-14 0.25-14 0.25-14
Kinds of inch threads kinds 28 28 28 28 28 28
Range of inch threads T.P.I. 2-40 2-40 2-40 2-40 2-40 2-40
Kinds of threads module kinds 17 17 17 17 17 17
Range of threads module MP 0.25-3.5 0.25-3.5 0.25-3.5 0.25-3.5 0.25-3.5 0.25-3.5
Tailstock quill diameter mm 65 65 65 65 65 65
Tailstock quill taper . MT4 MT4 MT4 MT5 MT5 MT5
Tailstock quill travel mm 130 130 130 130 130 130
Main motor power kw 4 4 4 5.5 5.5 5.5
Coolant pump motor kw 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09
Weight for 750 kg 1100 1200 1220 1250 1300 1500
Weight for 1000 kg 1200 1300 1320 1350 1400 1600
Machine weight Weight for 1500 kg 1400 1500 1520 1550 1600 1800
Weight for 2000 kg 1600 1700 1720 1750 1800 2000
Weight for 3000 kg 1800 1900 1920 1950 2000 2200
Dimension for 750 mm 2200*1140*1500 2200*1140*1500 2200*1140*1550 2200*1140*1650 2200*1140*1750 2200*1140*1850
Dimension for 1000 mm 2400*1140*1500 2400*1140*1500 2400*1140*1550 2400*1140*1650 2400*1140*1750 2400*1140*1850
Dimension for 1500 mm 2900*1140*1500 2900*1140*1500 2900*1140*1550 2900*1140*1650 2900*1140*1750 2900*1140*1850
Overall dimension Dimension for 2000 mm 3400*1140*1500 3400*1140*1500 3400*1140*1550 3400*1140*1650 3400*1140*1750 3400*1140*1850
Dimension for 3000 mm 4400*1140*1500 4400*1140*1500 4400*1140*1550 4400*1140*1650 4400*1140*1750 4400*1140*1850

DS6140 / DS6240 / DS6140J / DS6150B / DS6250B

Item Unit Parameters
DS6140      DS6240 DS6140J DS6150B     DS6250B DS6166B     DS6266B
Max. swing over bed mm ϕ400 ϕ400 ϕ500 ϕ660
Max. swing over slide mm ϕ220 ϕ220 ϕ300 ϕ420
Max. work piece length mm 750/1000/1500/2000/3000 700/950/1450/1950/2950 750/1000/1500/2000/3000 750/1000/1500/2000/3000
Spindle nose ISO 702/II No.6 bayonet type; ISO 702/II No.8 short  cam-lock type
Spindle thru-hole mm ϕ52 ϕ52 Φ82 Φ82
Spindle speeds r/min 24 Steps 9-1600r/min
Tool section mm 25×25 25×25 25×25 25×25
Max. travel of compound rest mm 145 145 145 145
Max. travel of cross slide mm 320 320 320 310
Tailstock quill diameter/ Max. travel of quill mm 75/150 75/150 75/150 75/150
Diametric pitch threads MT 5 5 5 5
Spindle motor power kW 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5

DS6140C / DS6150C / DS6240C / DS6250C / DS6166C / DS6266C

Item Unit Parameters
DS6140C / DS6150C      DS6240C / DS6250C DS6166C     DS6266C
Max. swing over bed mm ϕ400/500 ϕ600
Max. swing over slide mm ϕ220/300 ϕ420
Max. workpiece length mm 750/1000/1500/2000/3000 750/1000/1500/2000/3000
Spindle nose ISO 702/II No.8 short cam-lock type
Spindle thru-hole mm ϕ105 ϕ105
Spindle speeds r/min 12 STEPS 36-1600 r/min 12 STEPS 36-1600 r/min
Tool section mm 25×25 25×25
Max. travel of compound rest mm 145 145
Max. travel of cross slide mm 320 310
Tailstock quill diameter/ Max. travel of quill mm 75/150 75/150
Diametric pitch threads MT 5 5
Spindle motor power kW 7.5 7.5

DQ6280B / DQ6280C

Item Unit Parameters
DQ6280B DQ6280C
Swing over bed mm ϕ800
Swing over slide mm ϕ580
Max workpiece length mm 2000/3000
Spindle nose ISO 702/|| NO.8 (cam-lock)
Spindle thru-hole mm ϕ82 ϕ105
Spindle speed r/min 24 steps 8-1400rpm 12 steps 30-1400rpm
Tool section mm 25×25
Max. travel of compound rest mm 145
Max. travel of cross slide mm 320
Tailstock quill diameter /travel mm 90/150
Taper of quill mm 5
Spindle power kW 7.5

D6163B / D6180A / D6236B / DS6280B

Items Unit Parameters
D6163B D6180A D6263B D6280B
Max. swing over bed mm ϕ660 ϕ880 ϕ660 ϕ880
Max. swing over slide mm ϕ400 ϕ540 ϕ400 ϕ540
Max. workpiece length mm 1500/2000/3000/4000 1500 1500
Spindle nose A1-11 A1-11 A1-11
Spindle thru-hole mm 105 105 105
Spindle speed r/min 14 steps 12.5~1120 rpm 14 steps 12.5~1120 rpm 14 steps 12.5~1120 rpm
Tool section mm 32X32 32X32 32X32
Max. travel of compound rest mm 200 200 200
Max. travel of cross slide mm 480 515 480 515
Tallstock quill diameter/ Max. travel of quil mm ϕ100/250 ϕ100/250 ϕ100/250
Diametric pitch threads MT 5 5 5
Spindle motor power kW 11 11 11

DW6163E / DW6263E / DW6180E / DW6280E

SPECIFICATIONS Units DW6163E DW6263E DW6180E DW6280E DW6180F DW6280F DW61100F DW62100F
Swing over bed mm 630 630 800 800 800 1000
Swing over gap mm 800 1000 1000 1200
Swing over cross side mm 350 350 520 520 480 480 680
Distance between centers mm 1500/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000 1500/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000 1500/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000 1500/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000 1500/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000 1500/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000 1500/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000
Guideway width mm 550 550 550 550 600 600 600
Max lead capacity T 3 3 3 3 4 4 4
Spindle bore mm 104 104 104 104 104 104 104
Spindle bore typer  – Metric120/MTS Metric120/MTS Metric120/MTS Metric120/MTS Metric120/MTS Metric120/MTS Metric120/MTS
Spindle nose type C11 C11 C11 C11 C11 C11 C11
Spindle speed steps steps 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Spindle speed range rpm 7.5-1000 7.5-1000 6-800 6-800 5.4-720 5.4-720 5.4-720
Chuck mm 315 Manual 3-jaw 315 Manual 3-jaw 315 Manual 3-jaw 315  Manual 3-jaw 400 Manual 3-jaw  400 Manual 3-jaw 400 Manual 3-jaw
Tool size mm 30*30 30*30 30*30 30*30 32*32 32*32 32*32
X axis travel mm 320 320 420 420 420 420 420
Z axis travel mm 1350/1850/2850/3850/4850/5850
X axis feed steps /range mm/r 64/0.05-12.15 64/0.05-12.15 64/0.05-12.15 64/0.05-12.15 64/0.05-12.15 64/0.05-12.15 64/0.05-12.15
Z per feed steps / range mm/r 64/0.1-24.3 64/0.1-24.3 64/0.1-24.3 64/0.1-24.3 64/0.1-24.3 64/0.1-24.3 64/0.1-24.3
X axis rapid traverse mm/min 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300
X axis rapid traverse mm/min 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Metric thread kinds /range mm 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240
Inch thread kind /range TPJ 26/14-1 26/14-1 26/14-1 26/14-1 26/14-1 26/14-1 26/14-1
Module thread kinds /range mm 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240 50/1-240
DP thread kinds /range D.P 24/28-1 24/28-1 24/28-1 24/28-1 24/28-1 24/28-1 24/28-1
Tailstock quill diameter mm 100 100 100 100 120 120 120
Tailstock quill taper MT5 MT5 MT5 MT5 MT6 MT6 MT6
Tailstock quill travel mm 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Main motor power kw 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Rapid traverse motor power kw 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Coolant motor power kw 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125
Weight by 1500 kg 3800 3800 4100 4100 5000 5000 5300
Weight by 2000 kg 4200 4200 4500 4500 5400 5400 5700
Weight by 3000 kg 4900 4900 5200  5200 6100 6100 6400
Machine weight Weight by 4000 kg 5600 5600 5900 5900 6800 6800 7100
Weight by 5000 kg 6300 6300 6600 6600 7500 7500 7800
Weight by 6000 kg 7000 7000 7300 7300 8200 8200 8500
Dimension 1500 mm 3800*1400*1450 3800*1400*1450 3800*1500*1450 3800*1500*1450 4000*1550*1650 4000*1550*1650 4000*1750*1750
Dimension 2000 mm 4300*1400*1450 4300*1400*1450 4300*1500*1450 4300*1500*1450 4500*1550*1650 4500*1550*1650 4500*1750*1750
Dimension 3000 mm 5300*1400*1450 5300*1400*1450 5300*1500*1450 5300*1500*1450 5500*1550*1650 5500*1550*1650 5500*1750*1730
Overall dimension Dimension 4000 mm 6300*1400*1450 6300*1400*1450 6300*1500*1450 6300*1500*1450 6500*1550*1650 6500*1550*1650 6500*1750*1750
Dimension 5000 mm 7300*1400*1450 7300*1400*1450 7300*1500*1450 7300*1500*1450 7500*1550*3650 7500*1550*3650 7500*1750*1750
Dimension 6000 mm 8300*1400*1450 8300*1400*1450 8300*1500*1450 8300*1500*1450 8500*1550*1650 8500*1550*1650 8500*1790*1710

DW6100L / DW6125L / DW6140L / DW6160L

SPECIFICATIONS Units DW61100L DW61125L DW61140L DW61160L
Swing over bed mm 1000 1250 1400 1600
Swing over cross slide mm 610 850 1000 1200
Distance between centers mm 1500/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000
Guideway width mm 755 755 755 755
Max. load capacity T 6 6 6 6
Spindle bore mm 130 130 130 130
Spindle bore taper Metric140/MT6 Metric140/MT6 Metric140/MT6 Metric140/MT6
Spindle nose type A2-15 A2-15 A2-15 A2-15
Spindle speed steps steps 21 21 21 21
Spindle speed range rpm 3.15-315 3.15-315 3.15-315 3.15-315
Chuck mm 1000 Manual 4-jaw 1000 Manual 4-jaw 1000 Manual 4-jaw 1000 Manual 4-jaw
Tool size mm 45*45 45*45 45*45 45*45
X axis trave mm 520 620 620 620
axis travel mm 1350/1850/2850/3850/4850/5850
X axis feed steps/range mm/r 56/0.05-6 56/0.05-6 56/0.05-6 56/0.05-6
Z axis feed steps/range mm/r 56/0.1-12 56/0.1-12 56/0.1-12 56/0.1-12
X axis rapid traverse mm/min 1870 1870 1870 1870
Z axis rapid traverse mm/min 3740 3740 3740 3740
Metric thread kinds/range mm 44/1-120 44/1-120 44/1-120 44/1-120
Inch thread kinds /range T.P.I 31/28-3/8 31/28-3/8 31/28-3/8 31/28-3/8
Module thread kinds/range mm 45/0.5-60 45/0.5-60 45/0.5-60 45/0.5-60
DP thread kinds /range D.P. 30/56-1 30/56-1 30/56-1 30/56-1
Tailstock quill diameter mm 160 160 160 160
Tailstock quill taper MT6 MT6 MT6 MT6
Tailstock quill travel mm 300 300 300 300
Main motor power kw 22 22 22 22
Rapid traverse motor power kw 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Coolant motor power kw 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125
Weight for 1500 kg 9600 10600 11200 13100
Weight for 2000 kg 10100 11100 11700 13600
Weight for 3000 kg 10700 11700 12300 14200
Machine weight Weight for 4000 kg 11700 12700 13300 15200
Weight for 5000 kg 12700 13700 14300 16200
Weight for 6000 kg 13700 14700 15300 17200
Dimension for 1500 mm 4600*2000*1800 4600*2000*1950 4600*2250*2050 4600*2250*2150
Dimension for 2000 mm 5100*2000*1800 5100*2000*1950 5100*2250*2050 5100*2250*2150
Dimension for 3000 mm 6100*2000*1800 6100*2000*1950 6100*2250*2050 6100*2250*2150
Overall dimension Dimension for 4000 mm 7100*2000*1800 7100*2000*1950 7100*2250*2050 7100*2250*2150
Dimension for 5000 mm 8100*2000*1800 8100*2000*1950 8100*2250*2050 8100*2250*2150
Dimension for 6000 mm 9100*2000*1800 9100*2000*1950 9100*2250*2050 9100*2250*2150

D1313 / D1319 / D1322 / D1325 / D1327

SPECIFICATIONS Units D1313 D1319 D1322 D1325 D1327
Swing over bed mm 630/800 630/800 630/800 800 800
Swing over cross slide mm 340/520 340/520 340/520 480 480
Distance between centers mm 1500/3000 1500/3000 1500/3000 1500/3000 1500/3000
Pipe threading range mm 30-126 50-193 50-220 120-250 130-270
Guideway width mm 550 550 550 600 600
Max. load capacity kg 3000 3000 1000 4000 4000
Spindle bore mm 130 200 230 255 280
Spindle speed steps steps 18 4 4 4 4
Spindle speed range rpm 30-650 20-550 20-550 20-420 20-420
Chuck mm 400 minus/3-jaw 520 manual/4-jaw 520 manual/4-jaw 630 manual/4-jaw 630 manual/3-jaw
Tool shank size mm 30*30 32*32 32*32 32*32 32*32
X axis travel mm 320/420 320/420 320/420 420 420
Z axis travel mm 1350/2850 1350/2850 1350/2850 1350/2850 1350/2850
X axis feed steps/range mm/r 22/0.02-0.45 22/0.02-0.45 22/0.02-0.45 22/0.02-0.45 22/0.02-0.45
Z axis feed steps/range mm/r 26/ 26/0.07-1.33 26/0.07-1.33 26/0.07-1.33 26/
X axis rapid traverse mm/min 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300
Z axis rapid traverse mm/min 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Metric thread kinds /range mm 52/1-24 1-15 1-15 1-15 1-15
Inch thread kinds /range T.P.I 40/28-2 14.3 14-1 14-1 14-1
Tailstock quill diameter mm 100 100 100 120 120
Tailstock quill taper . MT5 MT5 MT5 MT6 MT6
Tailstock quill travel mm 250 250 250 250 250
Main motor power kw 11 11 11 15 15
Rapid traverse motor kw 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.1 1.1
Coolant motor power kw 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125
Weight for 1500 kg 4000 4300 4500 8000 8000
Machine weight Weight for 3000 kg 5200 5500 5700 9000 9000
Dimension for 1500 mm 3700*1500* 1500 3700*1550*1550 3700*1650*1550 4100*1700*1600 4100*1700*1600
Overall dimension Dimension for 3000 mm 5200*1500*1500 5200*1550* 1550 5200*1650*1550 5600*1700*1600 5600*1700*1600

D1327 / D1332 / D1338 / D1343 / D1350

SPECIFICATIONS Units D1327 D1332 D1338 D1343 D1350
Swing over bed mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1200
Swing over cross slide mm 610 610 610 610 710
Distance between centers mm 1500/3000 1500/3000 1500/3000 1500/3000 1500/3000
Pipe threading range mm 130-270 190-320 190-380 270-430 330-510
Guideway width mm 755 755 755 755 755
Max load capacity kg 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Spindle bore mm 280 330 390 440 520
Spindle speed steps . 12 9 9 9 9
Spindle speed range rpm 16-380 75-280 6-205 4.9-180 4.9-180
Chuck mm 800 Manual 4-jaw 780 Electric 4-jaw 850 Electric 4-jaw 1000 Electric 4-jaw 1000 Electric jaw
Tool size mm 45*45 45*45 45*45 45*45 45*45
X axis travel mm 520 520 520 520 520
Z axis travel mm 1350/2850 1350/2850 1350/2850 1350/2850 1350/2850
x axis feed steps /range mm/r 40/0.05-1.5 32/0.05-0.75 32/0.05-0.75 32/0.05-0.75 32/0.05-0.75
Z axis feed steps /range mm/r 40/0.1-3.0 32/0.1-3.5 32/0.1-1.5 32/0.1-1.5 32/0.1-1.5
x axis rapid traverse mm/min 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870
Z axis rapid traverse mm/min 3740 3740 3740 3740 3740
Metric thread kinds /range mm 30/1-30 23/1-15 23/1-15 23/1-15 23/1-15
Inch thread kinds /range TPI 27/28-1 22/28-2 22/28-2 22/28-2 22/28-2
Tailstock quill diameter mm 100 100 160 100 100
Tailstock quill taper MTS MT6 MT6 MT6 MT6
Tailstock quill travel mm 300 300 300 300 300
Main motor power kw 22 22 22 22 22
Rapid traverse motor low 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Coolant motor power kw 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125
Weight for 1500 kg 10000 11500 12800 13000 15000
Machine weight Weight for 1000 kg 11500 13000 14300 14500 16500
Dimension for 1500 mm 4800*2100*1600 4900*2100*1650 4900*2100*1700 5000*2100*1700 5000*2100*1850
Overall dimension Dimension for 3000 mm 6300*2100*1600 6400*2100*1650 6400*2100*1700 6500*2100*1700 6500*2100*1850